Time plays a major part in my designs as it also takes up a major part of my clients life and i explored this through all four of my designs. Throughout my designs I have used rectangular forms to represent, the idea of 'blocks of time' each form representing the various time periods. Throughout my designs this has allowed there to be almost a flow allowing their occupants to move through each design with ease, almost giving a sense of meandering. The heights throughout the designs also evokes a sense of importance in those who view, or experience each design, expressing my clients pride. each design is somewhat modern, and very minimalistic, something which my client was very interested in exploring. It is somewhat a display of her interest in the current ‘fashion’ and design and also into her personality,a s she likes perfection and cleanliness. The minimalism throughout each design also expresses her emptiness and loss. In each design I tried to add the units which related well together in similar areas of the house, also allowing them to come together and show the obsessive compulsive and organized side to my character, something which plays a large role in the life of my character, a clock operator.
House #1.jpg)
This house represents the various demands of my client, (Mary, the central clock operator).
House #2.jpg)
This house is much simpler to the first one I did. The design is also based on form, however, the major design idea for this house was based more on the layout of the units.